Individual Study Plan

Article 6 
Individual Study Plan 

  1. The student may be allowed by the Dean to follow medical study according to individual study plan on the basis of giving serious reasons (health, social, study, top sportsman, etc.). 
  2. The individual study plan has to contain the suggested length of study ( shortening of a study year to one term of study, prolongation of one year to two years of study at most), and a plan of the compulsory part of study. 
  3. The individual study plan has by no means to limit the extent of the compulsory part of study which is required to be taken by the student at the Faculty. 
  4. Rights and obligations of the student are not limited by the individual study plan. 
  5. The student may give a notice of an appeal against the Dean's decision regarding his/her individual study plan directly to the University Rector within eight days after receiving the decision.