
Article 11 

  1. In justified cases the student may be allowed to transfer to the same or related branch of study at other faculty or university both in the Slovak Republic and abroad. 
  2. The transfer to other branch of study at the same faculty is allowed by the Dean and approved by the Academic Senate only in the exceptional cases. The transfer to other faculty is allowed by the Dean of the Faculty where the student wants to study on the basis of approval of the Dean of the Faculty at which the student studies at the time of transfer. The student may be required by the Dean to pass some examinations, particularly those prescribed by the curriculum of the respective branch of study that have not been passed yet. The Dean will decide about the schedule of required examinations. The transfer is allowed only after completing the respective study year. 
  3. The transfer from a foreign university is permitted by the Dean. The Dean of the Faculty, to which the student has transferred, also decides about validity of the examinations passed, about registration of the student in the respective study year, and about taking the examinations required according to the curriculum.